Ocrolus mortgage integration with Encompass® by ICE Mortgage Technology®

Accelerate mortgage decisions with trusted data

Mortgage loan origination is a complex decision-making process impacting multiple stakeholders across the lending process. Ocrolus frees up time to spend on more complicated tasks like interpreting borrowers’ financial health and making critical lending decisions. With a native integration to Encompass, Ocrolus provides tools that keep you in Encompass and imports data right back into your existing workflow.

classify center 1

Automate document
indexing and sorting

capture center 1

Extract key information from
documents using computer
vision and human validation

analyse center 1

Streamline income
analytics with flexible
automated worksheets

Automation benefits with Ocrolus & Encompass

Close loans faster

Make more informed origination decisions

Add scalability to loan processing

Reduce the risk for fraud and human error

Reduce manual data entry

Fintech step3 latest

Ocrolus for Mortgage Lending

Ocrolus empowers loan officers, loan processors, and underwriters with AI to automate time-consuming tasks and streamline complex calculations on income for accurate decision-making. Reduce risk while facilitating workflows that enable human decision-makers to work with technology and not against it.

5 tips to get the most out of your mortgage technology stack

5 tips to get the most out of your mortgage technology stack

Speed up loan processing time with automated document indexing

Automatically sort borrower-provided documents into Encompass’ eFolder and push each document into a corresponding container within the eFolder

Customizable eFolder structure to meet user's specific needs


Extract key information from documents using computer vision and human validation

Leverage best-in-class technologies including AI and proprietary machine learning

Data capture gives meaning behind every file by creating consistent labeling for all classified documents

Ocrolus returns accurate and clean data in a highly structured format for use across workflows including populating income calculations


Streamline income calculations with automated, transparent and flexible worksheets

Ocrolus pre-populates income calculations for wage earners, self-employed borrowers, rental properties and other income types

Take control of income calculations with pre-populated and editable income worksheets in one interface without leaving Encompass

Import income data back into Encompass with ease and transparency


Ready to go?

Connect with one of our mortgage experts to find out how Ocrolus can help you increase efficiency.

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