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customer stories

Fintech Innovator Yardline Provides Business Capital at eCommerce Speed

Yardline rapidly built a successful business model with Ocrolus in order to address eCommerce entrepreneurs’ primary pain point: access to capital to accelerate growth.

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Business owners received unbiased offers that are tailored to their projected success in real-time

Bank statements are digitized and analyzed against risk analytics in under 2 hours

Yardline now empowered to give same-day approvals for most funding requests

Yardline rapidly built a successful business model with Ocrolus in order to address eCommerce entrepreneurs’ primary pain point: access to capital to accelerate growth.

One key to Yardline’s successful funding model is an experienced, marketplace-agnostic approach, with a proprietary financing structure that serves professional sellers on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Shopify, and other platforms.

APIs played an important role in building out Yardline’s financing infrastructure. They tap into financial institution data via Plaid. However, many of the entrepreneurs they work with don’t have banking access via aggregated data, so the Yardline underwriting team was manually reviewing each banking statement.

While Yardline’s success is largely due to the expert-level capacities of their team and their willingness to take a hands-on approach to financing, minimizing the risk of human error and making the approval process as accurate and expedient as possible was top priority.

Using Ocrolus to digitize bank statements and generate core cash flow analytics now provides Yardline customers with a low-effort way to submit documentation. When potential customers are selecting an advance, these fast approvals are a competitive advantage over traditional and other online lenders.


This is where Ocrolus really shines. eCommerce entrepreneurs don’t want to spend time recreating statements on other platforms if they can’t make the aggregator connection. With Ocrolus, they can easily upload bank statements, and in under two hours, we have the data digitized and (more importantly) analyzed against the risk analytics, from a cash flow perspective.”

– Dennis Chin, Head of Strategic Initiatives, Yardline

Who we work with

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sproutmortgage dark

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